Read the most frequently asked 89 top General Science interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced.
General Science Interview Questions and Answers PDF Experienced Freshers
1. Tomorrows weather forecast report for Venus would be:
1. snow
2. cold and clear
3. hot and humid with clear skies
4. overcast and hot
Answer: 4
2. A monitor is rated as 640x480x256 (pronounced 640 by 480 by 256). What does the 256 stand for:
1. 256 pixels horizontally
2. 256 pixels vertically
3. 256 pixels diagonally
4. 256 colors associated with the pixels
Answer: 4
3. An autoclave is designed to sterilize with:
1. dry heat and methane gas
2. steam and pressure
3. boiling water
4. dessication
Answer: 2
4. Using the binary system, a 1 kilobyte file contains how many bytes:
1. 256
2. 1024
3. 1.44
4. 512
Answer: 2
5. Water covers what percent of the earths surface?
1. 25%
2. 55%
3. 40%
4. 70%
Answer: 4
6. With few exceptions, a computer infestation program that can replicate by attaching itself to other programs is called a:
1. worm
2. Trojan horse
3. terminator
4. virus
Answer: 4
7. Which of the following correctly describes STP:
1. 4C at 1 Atmosphere
2. 0C at 0 Atmosphere
3. 23C at 1 Atmosphere
4. 0C at 1 Atmosphere
Answer: 4
8. A typical CD-ROM can hold a maximum of about how much data?
1. 650 MB
2. 1.5 GB
3. 2.5 GB
4. 15 GB
Answer: 1
9. TCP/IP is an example of:
1. a computing environment
2. a database model
3. a 4th generation computer language
4. a networking protocol
Answer: 4
10. Which of the following fluids at room temperature will cool a ½ inch thick piece of hot steel the fastest:
1. pure water
2. 5% salt water
3. 25% salt water
4. motor oil
Answer: 1
11. Which of the following is NOT true concerning electric cars:
1. a major challenge to this form of transportation is an efficient durable battery
2. in 1900, more battery operated electric cars were built in the USA than gasoline engine cars
3. fleet cars are currently employing battery powered vehicles in many states
4. they are unsuitable for urban areas
Answer: D
12. Typically, printers are connected to which of the following ports:
1. RTC
2. PS/2
3. LPT
4. COM
Answer: C
13. A quick and simple method commonly used to inspect whether a metal is stainless steel is to:
1. test if a magnet will be attracted to it
2. test if it will react with sulfuric acid
3. pass a current through it and measure its resistance
4. measure its specific gravity
Answer: A
14. Which of the following is NOT commonly thought of as an output device:
1. video monitor
2. scanner
3. printer
4. dot-matrix printer
Answer: B
15. Ultimately, the character of the pixel which is primarily responsible for the resolution of a CRT is:
1. size
2. number
3. shape
4. color
Answer: A
16. Photobiology is the branch of science which is basically concerned with:
1. how organisms see
2. how to record images of living systems with various optical instruments
3. the effects of visible and ultraviolet radiation on living systems
4. how living systems produce visible light
Answer: C
17. Which of the following would be a measurement of a computer screen’s dot pitch:
1. 0.25 millimeters
2. 70 hertz
3. 1200 dpi
4. 650 megabytes
Answer: A
18. Which of the following is most specifically designed to measure low temperatures:
1. alcohol thermometer
2. pyrometer
3. cryometer
4. mercury thermometer
Answer: C
19. Which of the following would be a measurement of a typical printers resolution:
1. 0.25 millimeters
2. 300 dpi
3. 640 X 480
4. 200 RSU
Answer: B
20. The ARPANET was an example of a:
1. telephone network
2. LAN
3. WAN
4. email address
Answer: C
21. In the tempering of steel tools, the process of rapidly cooling the tool is called:
1. quickening
2. quenching
3. drawing
4. case hardening
Answer: B
22. A double sided, double layered DVD designed under todays specifications, has a top storage capacity of:
1. less than 6 gigabytes
2. greater than 16 gigabytes
3. 8 to 10 gigabytes
4. 12-14 gigabytes
Answer: B
23. Which of the following is responsible for the changing of the seasons in North America:
1. the Earth's orbit is elliptical
2. the Sun moves through space
3. the Earth's axis is not perpendicular to the ecliptic
4. the Earth's axis precesses
Answer: C
24. Which of the following most closely approximates the weight of a 1999 United States nickel:
1. 1.9 grams
2. 2.9 grams
3. 5.9 grams
4. 8.9 grams
Answer: C
25. An experiment is testing whether a certain water-based plant fertilizer helps plants grow better. The experimental group contains plants that are given 20 milliliters of the fertilizer per day. Which of the following would be the best control in this experiment:
1. an equal number of plants that received nothing in place of the fertilizer
2. an equal number of plants that received 20 milliliters of pure water in place of the fertilizer
3. an equal number of plants that received twice as much fertilizer
4. there is no need for a control
Answer: B
26. Why should you periodically defragment the hard drive:
1. to prevent damage to the read/write heads on the hard drive
2. to prevent the reoccurrence of error code 653 at startup
3. to identify bad sectors on the hard drive
4. to improve the quality of the sound card
Answer: A
27. Which of the following is the name for a rotating machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by an armature rotating in a field produced by permanent magnets:
1. electric motor
2. turbine
3. magneto
4. kinetocycle
Answer: C
28. Which of the following is a standard datatype for Java, but not for standard C:
1. float
2. char
3. byte
4. integer
Answer: C
29. Which of the following is true about Java versus C language:
1. C allows forward references
2. Java allows forward references
3. neither Java nor C allow forward references
4. Java and C both allow forward references
Answer: D
30. What percentage of the worlds ice is in Antarctica?
1. 10 percent
2. 25 percent
3. 50 percent
4. 90 percent
Answer: D
31. If each of the following woods were seasoned to an equally low water content, which would release the most heat per cord when burned?
1. White Oak
2. Red Maple
3. White Birch
4. Mountain Aspen
Answer: A
32. Which of the following is NOT an example of systems software:
1. file management tools
2. linkers
3. loaders
4. word processing software
Answer: D
33. At small apertures or high f stops, a single lens reflex camera will have which of the following properties:
1. have more light gathering capacity
2. generally require fast shutter speeds for all films in normal daylight
3. have more depth of field
4. have less depth of field
Answer: C
34. The SI prefix for the quantity 1015 is:
1. peta
2. eta
3. tera
4. yotta
Answer: A
35. Flying in which of the following directions:
1. East to West
2. West to East
3. North to South
4. South to North
Answer: B
36. Which of the following is NOT an example of a programming language:
1. Pascal
3. Cobol
4. Fortran
Answer: B
37. A mixture of turpentine, ether, camphor gum, and powdered emory, was historically used for which of the following:
1. sealing mirrored surfaces
2. grinding glass surfaces
3. gluing glass plates together
4. coating lenses for chromatic aberration
Answer: B
38. Which of the following is NOT true about JAVA:
1. it provides support for networking.
2. it is an ISO standard language
3. it is an object oriented language
4. it is a dynamic language.
Answer: B
39. The term empirical is most accurately described as a conclusion based on:
1. intuition
2. careful theoretical propositions
3. extrapolating from the specific to the general
4. experimentation and observation
Answer: D
40. The Skinner Box has been most extensively used in the evaluation and study of which of the following:
1. drugs and behavior
2. emotions
3. social behavior
4. neurological assessment of behavior
Answer: A
41. Which of the following explains why a sailboat can sail into the wind:
1. Bernoulli's Principle
2. Pascal's Law
3. Archimedes's Principle
4. Reynold's Numbers
Answer: A
42. The global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web is called the:
1. USB
2. UPS
3. URA
4. URL
Answer: D
43. As more of the water turns into ice, the temperature of the remaining liquid in a vessel:
1. decreases
2. can not be determined from the available information
3. increases
4. remains the same
Answer: D
44. Which was the first Intel microprocessor introduced in 1982 to break the 1 megabyte limit?
1. 8086
2. 80286
3. 80186
4. 80386
Answer: B
45. What psychiatrist coined the psychiatric terms id, ego, and superego:
Answer: Sigmund Freud
46. What is the name, coined by John McCarthy in 1956, of the branch of GENERAL SCIENCE concerned with making computers behave like humans:
Artificial Intelligence
47. What are the 6th, 7th, and 8th letters of the Greek alphabet?
Zeta, Eta, Theta
48. In operating systems which support PnP, the PnP stands for:
Plug And Play
49. The most common connection point on the motherboard whereby new peripheral devices, such as printers, drives and monitors, can be connected through their respective interface cards is called:
The Expansion Bus
50. The WHO is the abbreviated name for what international scientific organization?
World Health Organization
51. What type of balance is used for measuring forces of very small magnitudes by how much twist they cause in a fiber or wire?
Torsion Balance
52. What is the field of GENERAL SCIENCE that deals with designing computer systems that can recognize spoken words:
Voice Recognition
53. What is the de facto standard protocol for establishing connections over networks:
54. Severe annual crop damage to corn is caused by this fungus, which belongs to the order Ustiliginales:
55. What does USB stand for?
Universal Serial Bus
56. Predicting data values on a graph that fall between two points is most typically referred to as:
57. The emerald is the green crystalline form of what common mineral?
58. What are the 7 colors that Newton used to describe the visible light spectrum:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, And Violet
59. What does the acronym CPU stand for?
Central Processing Unit
60. Iron pyrite is more popularly called:
Fool's Gold
61. In 1546, Frascatorius, by studying epidemics of plague and syphilis, compiled an impressive body of evidence to show disease was transmitted from person to person and is therefore considered to have founded what branch of science?
62. What does the acronym LCD stand for?
Liquid Crystal Display
63. What two Federal scientific agencies are responsible for the general administration of the human genome project?
Department Of Energy And National Institutes Of Health
64. When an ideal line is extended into a region beyond where data exists on a graph, it is most typically called:
65. The second stroke in a four stroke engine is most commonly referred to as the:
Compression Stroke
66. Who was the first president of the International Psychoanalysis Association who theorized that the shadow archetype consists of animal instincts:
Carl Jung
67. What is the substance fresh coal becomes after heat has driven off all the elements that give off smoke and yellow flames, and the remaining substance then yields only a blue flame:
68. Which federal agency is primarily in charge of our National Laboratories and is charged with ensuring a stable supply of energy for the nation?
Department Of Energy
69. What is the term for the error of a compass as a consequence of the difference between magnetic North and true North?
70. What does the D in DRAM stand for?
71. At what temperature, rounded off to whole degrees Centigrade, does distilled water reach its maximum density at sea level?
4 Degrees
72. What is a common type of video card that has an onboard processor that can substantially increase speed and boost graphical and video performance:
Graphics Accelerator Card
73. What is the general name of the unusual infectious agents that causes spongiform encephalopathy (pronounced:EN-seff-alop- o-thee)?
74. In optical resolution terminology, dpi is often used. What does dpi stand for?
Dots Per Inch
75. This term is used by scientists when referring to the belief that the simplest explanation is most likely the correct explanation?
Ockham's Razor
76. What is the network device used to regenerate or replicate a signal over the same medium and is used to regenerate analog or digital signals distorted by transmission loss:
77. What Clark University physics professor was an American pioneer of rocket theory after whom a major NASA space center is named?
Robert Goddard
78. The most common recommended method for calibrating a 1 milliliter automatic pipette gun would be to do what?
Weigh A Milliliter Of Water From The Pipet
79. What is the largest WAN in existence today?
The Internet
80. Juglans nigra is the genus and species of what common name tree, whose wood is prized for its qualities in furniture making:
Black Walnut
81. A term coined by Jack Niles in the early 1970s to describe an office where workers can work at home on a computer and transmit data and documents to a central office via telephone lines, is:
82. What is the largest possible 8 bit binary number?
83. Order the following from the SMALLEST unit of distance to the LARGEST:
mile, rod, feet, furlong.
Answer: Feet, Rod, Furlong, Mile
84. No reported cases of this pervasive and deadly disease has been reported in the western hemisphere for over two decades and it is believed to be nearly eliminated from the Earth:
85. A common type of RAM that is a small battery-backed memory that stores configuration settings is called:
86. Air on Earth consists mainly of three gases. Give their percent composition rounded off to the nearest whole number:
78% Nitrogen; 21% Oxygen; And 1% Argon
87. What were the two most valuable products derived from the tree Castanea americana?
Chestnuts And Wood
88. There are several types of these systems commonly used in intranets designed to prevent unauthorized access by internet users to or from a private network:
89. Order the following elements in dry weight per cent make-up in the human body, from the HIGHEST percent to the LOWEST percent content: Calcium; Nitrogen; Carbon; Magnesium:
Carbon; Nitrogen; Calcium; Magnesium
General Science Interview Questions and Answers PDF Experienced Freshers
1. Tomorrows weather forecast report for Venus would be:
1. snow
2. cold and clear
3. hot and humid with clear skies
4. overcast and hot
Answer: 4
2. A monitor is rated as 640x480x256 (pronounced 640 by 480 by 256). What does the 256 stand for:
1. 256 pixels horizontally
2. 256 pixels vertically
3. 256 pixels diagonally
4. 256 colors associated with the pixels
Answer: 4
3. An autoclave is designed to sterilize with:
1. dry heat and methane gas
2. steam and pressure
3. boiling water
4. dessication
Answer: 2
4. Using the binary system, a 1 kilobyte file contains how many bytes:
1. 256
2. 1024
3. 1.44
4. 512
Answer: 2
5. Water covers what percent of the earths surface?
1. 25%
2. 55%
3. 40%
4. 70%
Answer: 4
6. With few exceptions, a computer infestation program that can replicate by attaching itself to other programs is called a:
1. worm
2. Trojan horse
3. terminator
4. virus
Answer: 4
7. Which of the following correctly describes STP:
1. 4C at 1 Atmosphere
2. 0C at 0 Atmosphere
3. 23C at 1 Atmosphere
4. 0C at 1 Atmosphere
Answer: 4
8. A typical CD-ROM can hold a maximum of about how much data?
1. 650 MB
2. 1.5 GB
3. 2.5 GB
4. 15 GB
Answer: 1
9. TCP/IP is an example of:
1. a computing environment
2. a database model
3. a 4th generation computer language
4. a networking protocol
Answer: 4
10. Which of the following fluids at room temperature will cool a ½ inch thick piece of hot steel the fastest:
1. pure water
2. 5% salt water
3. 25% salt water
4. motor oil
Answer: 1
11. Which of the following is NOT true concerning electric cars:
1. a major challenge to this form of transportation is an efficient durable battery
2. in 1900, more battery operated electric cars were built in the USA than gasoline engine cars
3. fleet cars are currently employing battery powered vehicles in many states
4. they are unsuitable for urban areas
Answer: D
12. Typically, printers are connected to which of the following ports:
1. RTC
2. PS/2
3. LPT
4. COM
Answer: C
13. A quick and simple method commonly used to inspect whether a metal is stainless steel is to:
1. test if a magnet will be attracted to it
2. test if it will react with sulfuric acid
3. pass a current through it and measure its resistance
4. measure its specific gravity
Answer: A
14. Which of the following is NOT commonly thought of as an output device:
1. video monitor
2. scanner
3. printer
4. dot-matrix printer
Answer: B
15. Ultimately, the character of the pixel which is primarily responsible for the resolution of a CRT is:
1. size
2. number
3. shape
4. color
Answer: A
16. Photobiology is the branch of science which is basically concerned with:
1. how organisms see
2. how to record images of living systems with various optical instruments
3. the effects of visible and ultraviolet radiation on living systems
4. how living systems produce visible light
Answer: C
17. Which of the following would be a measurement of a computer screen’s dot pitch:
1. 0.25 millimeters
2. 70 hertz
3. 1200 dpi
4. 650 megabytes
Answer: A
18. Which of the following is most specifically designed to measure low temperatures:
1. alcohol thermometer
2. pyrometer
3. cryometer
4. mercury thermometer
Answer: C
19. Which of the following would be a measurement of a typical printers resolution:
1. 0.25 millimeters
2. 300 dpi
3. 640 X 480
4. 200 RSU
Answer: B
20. The ARPANET was an example of a:
1. telephone network
2. LAN
3. WAN
4. email address
Answer: C
21. In the tempering of steel tools, the process of rapidly cooling the tool is called:
1. quickening
2. quenching
3. drawing
4. case hardening
Answer: B
22. A double sided, double layered DVD designed under todays specifications, has a top storage capacity of:
1. less than 6 gigabytes
2. greater than 16 gigabytes
3. 8 to 10 gigabytes
4. 12-14 gigabytes
Answer: B
23. Which of the following is responsible for the changing of the seasons in North America:
1. the Earth's orbit is elliptical
2. the Sun moves through space
3. the Earth's axis is not perpendicular to the ecliptic
4. the Earth's axis precesses
Answer: C
24. Which of the following most closely approximates the weight of a 1999 United States nickel:
1. 1.9 grams
2. 2.9 grams
3. 5.9 grams
4. 8.9 grams
Answer: C
25. An experiment is testing whether a certain water-based plant fertilizer helps plants grow better. The experimental group contains plants that are given 20 milliliters of the fertilizer per day. Which of the following would be the best control in this experiment:
1. an equal number of plants that received nothing in place of the fertilizer
2. an equal number of plants that received 20 milliliters of pure water in place of the fertilizer
3. an equal number of plants that received twice as much fertilizer
4. there is no need for a control
Answer: B
26. Why should you periodically defragment the hard drive:
1. to prevent damage to the read/write heads on the hard drive
2. to prevent the reoccurrence of error code 653 at startup
3. to identify bad sectors on the hard drive
4. to improve the quality of the sound card
Answer: A
27. Which of the following is the name for a rotating machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by an armature rotating in a field produced by permanent magnets:
1. electric motor
2. turbine
3. magneto
4. kinetocycle
Answer: C
28. Which of the following is a standard datatype for Java, but not for standard C:
1. float
2. char
3. byte
4. integer
Answer: C
29. Which of the following is true about Java versus C language:
1. C allows forward references
2. Java allows forward references
3. neither Java nor C allow forward references
4. Java and C both allow forward references
Answer: D
30. What percentage of the worlds ice is in Antarctica?
1. 10 percent
2. 25 percent
3. 50 percent
4. 90 percent
Answer: D
31. If each of the following woods were seasoned to an equally low water content, which would release the most heat per cord when burned?
1. White Oak
2. Red Maple
3. White Birch
4. Mountain Aspen
Answer: A
32. Which of the following is NOT an example of systems software:
1. file management tools
2. linkers
3. loaders
4. word processing software
Answer: D
33. At small apertures or high f stops, a single lens reflex camera will have which of the following properties:
1. have more light gathering capacity
2. generally require fast shutter speeds for all films in normal daylight
3. have more depth of field
4. have less depth of field
Answer: C
34. The SI prefix for the quantity 1015 is:
1. peta
2. eta
3. tera
4. yotta
Answer: A
35. Flying in which of the following directions:
1. East to West
2. West to East
3. North to South
4. South to North
Answer: B
36. Which of the following is NOT an example of a programming language:
1. Pascal
3. Cobol
4. Fortran
Answer: B
37. A mixture of turpentine, ether, camphor gum, and powdered emory, was historically used for which of the following:
1. sealing mirrored surfaces
2. grinding glass surfaces
3. gluing glass plates together
4. coating lenses for chromatic aberration
Answer: B
38. Which of the following is NOT true about JAVA:
1. it provides support for networking.
2. it is an ISO standard language
3. it is an object oriented language
4. it is a dynamic language.
Answer: B
39. The term empirical is most accurately described as a conclusion based on:
1. intuition
2. careful theoretical propositions
3. extrapolating from the specific to the general
4. experimentation and observation
Answer: D
40. The Skinner Box has been most extensively used in the evaluation and study of which of the following:
1. drugs and behavior
2. emotions
3. social behavior
4. neurological assessment of behavior
Answer: A
41. Which of the following explains why a sailboat can sail into the wind:
1. Bernoulli's Principle
2. Pascal's Law
3. Archimedes's Principle
4. Reynold's Numbers
Answer: A
42. The global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web is called the:
1. USB
2. UPS
3. URA
4. URL
Answer: D
43. As more of the water turns into ice, the temperature of the remaining liquid in a vessel:
1. decreases
2. can not be determined from the available information
3. increases
4. remains the same
Answer: D
44. Which was the first Intel microprocessor introduced in 1982 to break the 1 megabyte limit?
1. 8086
2. 80286
3. 80186
4. 80386
Answer: B
45. What psychiatrist coined the psychiatric terms id, ego, and superego:
Answer: Sigmund Freud
46. What is the name, coined by John McCarthy in 1956, of the branch of GENERAL SCIENCE concerned with making computers behave like humans:
Artificial Intelligence
47. What are the 6th, 7th, and 8th letters of the Greek alphabet?
Zeta, Eta, Theta
48. In operating systems which support PnP, the PnP stands for:
Plug And Play
49. The most common connection point on the motherboard whereby new peripheral devices, such as printers, drives and monitors, can be connected through their respective interface cards is called:
The Expansion Bus
50. The WHO is the abbreviated name for what international scientific organization?
World Health Organization
51. What type of balance is used for measuring forces of very small magnitudes by how much twist they cause in a fiber or wire?
Torsion Balance
52. What is the field of GENERAL SCIENCE that deals with designing computer systems that can recognize spoken words:
Voice Recognition
53. What is the de facto standard protocol for establishing connections over networks:
54. Severe annual crop damage to corn is caused by this fungus, which belongs to the order Ustiliginales:
55. What does USB stand for?
Universal Serial Bus
56. Predicting data values on a graph that fall between two points is most typically referred to as:
57. The emerald is the green crystalline form of what common mineral?
58. What are the 7 colors that Newton used to describe the visible light spectrum:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, And Violet
59. What does the acronym CPU stand for?
Central Processing Unit
60. Iron pyrite is more popularly called:
Fool's Gold
61. In 1546, Frascatorius, by studying epidemics of plague and syphilis, compiled an impressive body of evidence to show disease was transmitted from person to person and is therefore considered to have founded what branch of science?
62. What does the acronym LCD stand for?
Liquid Crystal Display
63. What two Federal scientific agencies are responsible for the general administration of the human genome project?
Department Of Energy And National Institutes Of Health
64. When an ideal line is extended into a region beyond where data exists on a graph, it is most typically called:
65. The second stroke in a four stroke engine is most commonly referred to as the:
Compression Stroke
66. Who was the first president of the International Psychoanalysis Association who theorized that the shadow archetype consists of animal instincts:
Carl Jung
67. What is the substance fresh coal becomes after heat has driven off all the elements that give off smoke and yellow flames, and the remaining substance then yields only a blue flame:
68. Which federal agency is primarily in charge of our National Laboratories and is charged with ensuring a stable supply of energy for the nation?
Department Of Energy
69. What is the term for the error of a compass as a consequence of the difference between magnetic North and true North?
70. What does the D in DRAM stand for?
71. At what temperature, rounded off to whole degrees Centigrade, does distilled water reach its maximum density at sea level?
4 Degrees
72. What is a common type of video card that has an onboard processor that can substantially increase speed and boost graphical and video performance:
Graphics Accelerator Card
73. What is the general name of the unusual infectious agents that causes spongiform encephalopathy (pronounced:EN-seff-alop- o-thee)?
74. In optical resolution terminology, dpi is often used. What does dpi stand for?
Dots Per Inch
75. This term is used by scientists when referring to the belief that the simplest explanation is most likely the correct explanation?
Ockham's Razor
76. What is the network device used to regenerate or replicate a signal over the same medium and is used to regenerate analog or digital signals distorted by transmission loss:
77. What Clark University physics professor was an American pioneer of rocket theory after whom a major NASA space center is named?
Robert Goddard
78. The most common recommended method for calibrating a 1 milliliter automatic pipette gun would be to do what?
Weigh A Milliliter Of Water From The Pipet
79. What is the largest WAN in existence today?
The Internet
80. Juglans nigra is the genus and species of what common name tree, whose wood is prized for its qualities in furniture making:
Black Walnut
81. A term coined by Jack Niles in the early 1970s to describe an office where workers can work at home on a computer and transmit data and documents to a central office via telephone lines, is:
82. What is the largest possible 8 bit binary number?
83. Order the following from the SMALLEST unit of distance to the LARGEST:
mile, rod, feet, furlong.
Answer: Feet, Rod, Furlong, Mile
84. No reported cases of this pervasive and deadly disease has been reported in the western hemisphere for over two decades and it is believed to be nearly eliminated from the Earth:
85. A common type of RAM that is a small battery-backed memory that stores configuration settings is called:
86. Air on Earth consists mainly of three gases. Give their percent composition rounded off to the nearest whole number:
78% Nitrogen; 21% Oxygen; And 1% Argon
87. What were the two most valuable products derived from the tree Castanea americana?
Chestnuts And Wood
88. There are several types of these systems commonly used in intranets designed to prevent unauthorized access by internet users to or from a private network:
89. Order the following elements in dry weight per cent make-up in the human body, from the HIGHEST percent to the LOWEST percent content: Calcium; Nitrogen; Carbon; Magnesium:
Carbon; Nitrogen; Calcium; Magnesium
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